• Toutes les ressources : Vie quotidienne - Apprendre en vidéo - Anglais : CM1

Toboggan aquatique – Anglais – Ce2 – Cm1 – Cm2

Kids Songs: Water Slide I wanna get wet, get set, now go The flow will take me Make me move on down the groove Then send me down the bend Big spray, then the straightaway I can go eyes wide, eyes shut….. either one’s cool As I make my way down to the pool I’m glad they built these walls so high I almost feel like I could fly I love to glide It’s a water slide…

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Pluie et soleil – Anglais – Ce2 – Cm1 – Cm2

Rain, Rain, Go Away – Nursery Rhyme Rain Rain Go Away – Nursery Rhymes by Hooplakidz. Rain Rain go away, Come another day, Daddy wants to play, Rain Rain go away, Rain Rain go away, Come another day, Mommy wants to play, Rain Rain go away, Rain Rain go away, Come another day, Brother wants to play, Rain Rain go away, Rain Rain go away, Come another day, Sister wants to play, Rain Rain go away, Rain Rain go away,…

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  • Vie quotidienne - Apprendre l'Anglais en vidéo : CM1 - Leçon et exercice

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Tables des matières Vie quotidienne - Apprendre en vidéo - Anglais : CM1