Prétérit simple – Simple Past – 6ème – Révisions – PDF à imprimer

1/ Relie les verbes à leur forme irrégulière (Match the verbs with their irregular forms).

to speak              ○                                 ○          bought

to go                   ○                                 ○          spoke

to see                  ○                                 ○          took

to buy                 ○                                 ○          was/were

to take                ○                                 ○          saw

to be                   ○                                 ○          went


2/Utilise les verbes ci-dessus pour compléter les phrases suivantes (Fill in the blanks with the irregular forms of the verbs above)

  1. This morning, I ____________ to my sister on the phone.
  2. When Victor __________ in London, he ____________ souvenirs of Big Ben.
  3. Yesterday, Julia _____________ to the store to buy a new dress.
  4. Three weeks ago, I __________ a plane for the first time!
  5. “Where is Alan?” “I _________ him two minutes ago.


3/ Réponds aux questions suivantes en utilisant AGO (Answer the following questions by using AGO).

  1. When did you go shopping with your friends? ____________________________________
  2. When did you eat a candy? _______________________________________________
  3. When did your parents buy their car? ___________________________________________
  4. When did you last go to the cinema? ___________________________________________


4/Traduis les phrases suivantes (Translate the following sentences).

  1. Ce matin, Alicia est allée faire les courses. _______________________________________
  2. Elle n’a pas acheté de gâteaux. _________________________________________
  3. Mais elle a acheté des bonbons. _________________________________________


Prétérit simple – Simple Past – 6ème – Exercices – Verbes Irréguliers  rtf

Prétérit simple – Simple Past – 6ème – Exercices – Verbes Irréguliers   pdf



Correction – Prétérit simple – Simple Past – 6ème – Exercices – Verbes Irréguliers   pdf

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