Localiser en anglais
1/ Entoure la bonne réponse:
Where is the ball blue ?
The ball is in front of the blue cube.
The blue ball is next to the cube.
The ball is above the cube.
Where are the stars?
The stars are at the right of the circle.
The stars are to the left of the circle.
The stars are behind the circle.
2/ Relie chaque mot à la traduction qui convient:
The ball is on the box | La balle est dans la boîte |
The ball is behind the box | La balle est près de la boîte |
The ball is in the box | La balle est sur la boîte |
The ball is under the box | La balle est au-dessus de la boîte |
The ball is in front of the box | La balle est dans la boîte |
The ball is above the box | La balle est en face de la boîte |
The ball is near the box | La balle est derrière la boîte |
3/ Complète les phrases ci-dessous :
next to, in, under, on.
The phone is ———————————- office .
The cat is ————————— the table.
The little girl ———————————- her mother.
The dog is ——————————- the park .
4/ Traduis les mots suivants:
next to: