Exercices corrigés en anglais pour la 3ème – Present Perfect – BE -ING 1/ Fais correspondre les questions à leur réponse (Match the questions and answers). 2/Coche la bonne réponse (Tick the correct answer). I am freezing. I □ waited □ have been waiting □ wait in the rain for 10 minutes. What a terrible storm. The wind has been blowing □ since hours. □for all morning. □ for hours. We have been living in Paris □ since March. □…
Exercices d’anglais pour la 3ème – Present Perfect – BE -ING 1/ Conjugue les verbes suivants au present perfect BE-ING (Write the following verbs in present perfect continuous tense). 2/Choisis la forme qui convient entre present perfect simple et present perfect BE-ing (Choose between present perfect simple et present perfect continuous). I ….. (always like) studying about environment issues. Sandra ….. (phone) twice. What’s wrong? My hand is tired. I ….. (write) one important document. What ….. you ….. (decide)…