Exercices à imprimer pour la 3ème en anglais Les homophones ITS/IT’S: Choisis le mot qui convient (Fill in each sentence with the correct word). ….. cold outside today. ….. been a long time since we went to the restaurant. Look! The dog is playing with ….. ball. And the cat is licking ….. paws. You should read Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. ….. a great book. WHOSE/WHO’S : Choisis le mot qui convient (Fill in each sentence with…
Exercices d’anglais sur les homophones en 3ème YOU’RE / YOUR – THEIR / THERE / THEY’RE – IT’S / ITS – WHOSE / WHO’S – TO / TWO / TOO TO/ TWO/ TOO : Choisis le mot qui convient (Fill in each sentence with the correct word). I’m going ….. take a shower. Lucy ran ….. miles this morning. My brother likes ….. play soccer. I’m leaving now. Are you coming ….. ? I need you ….. carry this bag…
Exercices à imprimer pour la 3ème sur la voix passive 1/ Réécris ces phrases à la voix passive dans mentionner l’agent (Turn these sentences into passive voice. No need to mention the cause). My father shot a movie in black and white. ….. He is using a computer program. ….. My parents shoot most of the scenes in a studio. ….. They have found most of the actors in the street. ….. 2/Ecris ces phrases à la voix passive. Veille…
Exercices à imprimer pour la 3ème – Passive Voice – Anglais 1/Entoure les formes conjugué de BE et souligne tous les participes passés que tu vois (Circle all BE forms and underline all the past participles you can see). Every year, a conference on inventions is organized in San Francisco. It was first organized in 1960 by professor Dumble. Machines were brought from all over the world. This year, 25 machines have been brought and they will be sold to…
Exercices corrigés à imprimer pour la 3ème en anglais Style direct / indirect – Direct/Indirect Speech Verbes introductifs au prétérit 1 /Choisis entre SAID et TOLD (Choose between SAID or TOLD. Think carefully). My dad ….. he had worked all night. I ….. him to go to bed and relax. He ….. me he had to go to the office. I ….. he would go to the office later in the day. 2/ Coche les phrases qui sont au style…
Style direct et indirect – Verbes introductifs au prétérit – 3ème – Cours 1/ Fais correspondre les indications temporelles au style direct à leur équivalent au style indirect prétérit (Match the time expressions in direct speech with those in past reported speech). 2/Complète les phrases suivantes avec les indices temporels, pronoms et adjectifs correspondant (Fill in the blanks with the right time indications, pronouns and adjectives). Patrick: “Tomorrow I am moving to my new house” Patrick said ….. was moving…
Exercices d’anglais pour la 3ème – Style direct et indirect – Verbes introductifs au présent 1/ Complète les phrases au style indirect suivantes (Fill in the blanks with the correct turn of reported speech). 2/ Remets les mots dans l’ordre pour former des phrases cohérentes (Put the words into correct order to make meaningful sentences). tell / room / sister / to / my / her / I / clean ….. boss / My / us / asks / do…
Exercices corrigés à imprimer pour la 3ème – Style direct et indirect – Verbes introductifs au présent 1/ Complète les phrases au style indirect suivantes avec les pronoms et adjectifs qui conviennent (Fill in the blanks with the correct pronouns and adjectives). Jean asks Louis, “How are you?” Jean asks Louis how ….. is. Paula says, “I forgot to feed my dog this morning”. Paula says ….. forgot to feed ….. dog this morning. Christian tells Sandra, “We must change…
Exercices à imprimer pour la 3ème – Exclamatives – Exclamation sentences – Anglais 1/ Coche la bonne réponse (Tick the correct answer). □ How □ Such □ What a good meal he had for lunch! It was □ such □ so □ how dark outside that I didn’t see the car. □ How □ Such □ What stupid! I forgot my keys inside the car! Light travels □ such □ so □ how fast! 2/Barre la proposition qui n’est PAS…
Exercices corrigés à imprimer – Exclamatives – Exclamation sentences – 3ème 1/ Construis des énoncés exclamatifs ou interrogatifs en utilisant HOW + adj ou WHAT+nom (Write exclamation or question sentences with HOW+adj. or WHAT+noun). ….. tall ….. ! (you /be) ….. fast ….. his homework ! (he / do) ….. nice shoes ….. today! (you/wear) ….. cereal….. ? (you/prefer) 2/Réécris les phrases suivantes en utilisant SUCH ou SO (Write the following sentences with SUCH or SO). There were many yellow…
Exercices corrigé pour la 3ème sur le double comparatif – Anglais Coche la bonne réponse. Attention au sens ! (Tick the correct answer). These tomatoes don’t taste good. The other ones tasted □ more good □ better □ best. People today are not very polite. In the past they were □ less polite □ politer □ more polite. I look awful with my new haircut. It is □ better □ less good □ worse than before! My job isn’t very…
Exercices avec le corrigé pour la 3ème – Double Comparative – Anglais Ecris le comparatif de supériorité de chaque adjectif (Write the comparative form of each adjective). old = ….. d) good = ….. happy = ….. e) important = ….. serious = ….. f) pretty = ….. Utilise les comparatifs de supériorité (+), d’infériorité (-) ou d’égalité (=) pour compléter les phrases (Use the comparative forms +, – or = to fill in the blanks). This tree is growing…