Detective Investigation – 4ème – Lecture compréhension en anglais – PDF à imprimer

Lecture compréhension en anglais pour la 4ème – Mystery

Detective Investigation

Man held over village aggression (part 1)

Detectives were questioning a man last night over the aggression of a couple in a village. Police discovered a injured man at his home with his badly injured girlfriend at his side. She is still in intensive care in hospital.

A 46-year-old man was arrested in connection with the attack in Barwell, near Hinckley, Leics. Friends named the injured man as Darren Stanningger, an HVG driver believed to be in his thirties…

Compréhension écrite

Type de texte ? □ roman         □       biographie      □       article de presse

A quoi le vois-tu ? _____________________________________

Remets les mots dans le bon ordre et fais-les correspondre à leur traduction.

Trouve les mots du texte qui correspond aux images suivantes.

 Relève tous les mots transparents du texte

Coche la bonne réponse.

Stanningger’s girlfriend □ was injured and died in the hospital. □ was only injured but will live.

The aggression took place □ in the middle of the night.                         □ in the evening.

Harry Mall □ had been arrested for murder. □ had already been suspected of attempted murder.

Complète la fiche d’enquête à partir des éléments du texte.

Parlons grammaire…

 Imagine les questions des enquêteurs à partir des réponses du suspect.

When_________________________ ? “I met him three months ago in Leicester”.

What_________________________ ? “I was watching sports on TV when it happened”.

Who_________________________ ? “My mother saw me. Ask her!”

 A partir des notes des enquêteurs, reconstitue les mois précédents l’agression en utilisant le past perfect.

A few months before the murder,..


Detective Investigation – 4ème – Lecture compréhension en anglais   pdf

Correction – Detective Investigation – 4ème – Lecture compréhension en anglais   pdf

Jeux en ligne : Anglais : 4ème